
The production certified with CE, Turquality, ISO 9001-2000 quality certificates.
Also all designes and contents have been audited, tested, and certified via the engineer and architecture branch of The Tecnical University of Ankara, University of Ankara, Gazi University, Yldrm Beyazt University.

The parasols can be installed on concrete block foundations or building structure which ensures the movement of open-close can be carried.
The foundation should be prepared with pipes for installation of power, control cable and other electrical devices.
Also it should have drainage pipes inside.The anchor of the parasol is produced with H-T Steel which can be fixed to the ground with Steel and chemical. The parasol installation can be done Overlap for better shading and protecting from rain, after the calculationswill be done for the zone.
The area, foundation and contents of the zone have to approved from THE SCB ORGANIZATION team. Project of the foundation and anchor will be provide from THE SCB ORGANIZATION.

The all equipment that supplied, used in or on the parasol have been carefully selected and specially produced.
The structure consist of Steel frame, Steel lower pole can be covered with High Density Steel covered PO with natural stone, Composite wind flaps, metal accessorises which carefully crafted and painted (Gold or Platinum coated from USA) last for many years.

UV protection of paints used on metal and other parts is up to 20.000 QUV (50 years approx.) life cycle. Up and Down movement of the central shaft; opens, closes and stretch the parasol membrane.


The speed of open - close system can be arrange 2 to 4 minutes approx.(changes for the size and model) A part has been added so that the product can be opened and closed manually in case of emergency.


The parasol frame has 24 arms which are 4 long, 4 short arms attached to the main pole and telescopic mast. Each arm has supported arm which also supported with 2 passive arms combined with Steel wires. The arms protected and designed with composite wind flaps which can enchase the arms, membrane and the upper structure.


The membranes are pure 100% PTFE-T fiber, uncoated. Although lightweight, the membrane perform hightenacity and strength.

Ribbons also PTFE-T, are made elastic to allow correct fabrication.


All coloured yarn have outperforming colour fastness. Pure PTFE-T, which is high - tensile, permanently UV- Resistant, water-proof, dirt-repellent and weather-proof.

It has 25 to 30 years life cycle. PTFE-T is the best suitable material for flexible folding arm parasol membrane. The main membrane, ribbons and design membrane are supplying with ISO-13934-1 quality certificate.


Custom Made

SCB THE LUXURY SHADOW, is the only parasol manufacturer in the world with its own architectural and engineer team in its own factories to develop making the best and unique parasols.

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